Alejandra Mizala
Ph.D in Economics,
University of California, Berkeley.
Financial Market Liberalization in Chile: 1973-82. Garland Publishing Inc. New York, and London, 1991. New Edition published in 2018 by Routledge.
Un Diagnóstico del Desempleo en Chile (An Assessment of Chilean Unemployment), IADB/Universidad de Chile, 2005, with K.Cowan, A. Micco, C. Pagés and P. Romaguera.
Refereed International journals
"Mechanisms Behind Public School Enrollment Trends in School Choice Systems: The Case of Chile" JASSS, 27(4) 2, 2024, with Catalina Canals, Spiro Maroulis, Enrique Canessa, Sergio Chaigneau.
"Chile’s Inclusion Law: the arduous drive to regulate an unequal education system, 2006–19", Educational Review, 2023, with P. Cummings and B. Schneider.
"Mechanisms underlying choice-set formation: The case of school choice in Chile”. Social Science Computer Review, published online May 4, 2022, co-autores: C. Canals, S. Maroulis, E. Canessa y S. Chaigneau.
“The International Science and Evidence-based Education Assessment”. npj Science of Learning 6:7, 2021, with A. Duraiappah, N. van Atteveldt et. al.
"The gender gap in college major choice in Chile”. Economics of Education, Review 77, 2020, with P. Bordon and C. Canals.
“Promoting quality education in Chile: the politics of reforming teacher careers”. Journal of Educational Policy 2019, with Ben Schneider.
“School closure and educational attainment:Evidence from a market-based system”. Economics of Education Review 65, 2018:1-17, with N. Grau and D. Hojman.
“Means-TestedSchool Vouchers and Educational Achievement: Evidence from Chile’s UniversalVoucher System”. ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 674: 163-183, 2017, with F. Torche.
“Measuring the Relative Pay of School Teachers in Latin America 1997-2007”. International Journal of Educational Development 47, 2016: 20-32, with H. Ñopo.
“Pre-service Elementary School Teachers’ Expectations about Student Performance: How their Beliefs are affected by their Mathematics Anxiety and Student’s Gender”. Teaching and Teacher Education 50, 2015: 70-78, with S. Martinez y F. Martinez
"Negotiating Education Reform: Teacher Evaluations and Incentives in Chile (1990-2010)". Governance vol 27(1), 2014: 87-109, with B. Schneider.
“School markets: The impact of information approximating schools’ effectiveness”. Journal of Development Economics 103, 2013:313-335, with M. Urquiola.
“Bringing the schools back in: the stratification of educational achievement in the Chilean voucher system”. International Journal of Educational Development 32, 2012: 132-144, with Florencia Torche.
“Effective Schools do Exist: Low Income Children’s Academic Performance in Chile”. Applied Economic Letters 19(5), 2012: 445-451, with Bernardo Lara and Andrea Repetto.
“Public-Private Wage Gap in Latin America (1992-2007): A Matching Approach”. Labour Economics 18, 2011: 115-131, with Pilar Romaguera and Sebastián Gallegos
“The Effectiveness of Private Voucher Education: Evidence from Structural School Switches”. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 33(2), 2011: 119-137. (, with Bernardo Lara and Andrea Repetto.
“Using School Scholarships to Estimate the Effect of Private Education on the Academic Achievement of Low Income Students in Chile”. Economic of Education Review 28(3), 2009: 370-381, with Andrea Repetto and Priyanka Anand.
“Socioeconomic status or noise? Tradeoffs in the generation of school quality information”. Journal of Development Economics 84, 2007: 61-75, with Pilar Romaguera and Miguel Urquiola.
“The current impact factor and the long-term impact of scientific journals by discipline: A logistic diffusion model estimation”. Scientometrics 69(3), 2006: 689-695, with Claudia Contreras and Gonzalo Edwards.
“Schools and teachers’ performance incentives: The Latin American experience”. International Journal of Educational Development 24, 2004: 739-754, with Pilar Romaguera.
“Labor turnover and labor legislation in Brazil”. Economia. The Journal of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association (LACEA) 4(1), 2003, Comment on G. Gonzaga.
“The technical efficiency of schools in Chile”. Applied Economics 34, 2002: 1533-1552, with Pilar Romaguera and Dario Farren.
“Beyond Heckscher-Ohlin trade and labour market interactions: a case study of Chile”. Journal of Policy Modeling 24, 2002: 639-666, with Mauricio Bussolo and Pilar Romaguera.
“Equity and educational performance”. Economía, Journal of the Latin America and the Caribbean Economic Association 2(2), 2002: 219-263, with Pilar Romaguera.
“Factores explicativos de los resultados escolares en la educación secundaria en Chile”. (Determinants of educational achievement in secondary education in Chile). El Trimestre Económico 272, 2001: 515-549, with Pilar Romaguera.
“School performance and choice. The Chilean experience”. Journal of Human Resources 25(2), Spring, 2000: 392-417, with Pilar Romaguera.
“Wage Differentials and Occupational Wage Premia: Firm Level Evidence for Brazil and Chile”. The Review of Income and Wealth, 44(2):239-257, 1998, with Pilar Romaguera.
“Aspectos laborales de la integración económica: MERCOSUR y Chile”. (Labor aspects of economic integration: MERCOSUR and Chile). Revista Integración y Comercio vol 1 Nº3, 1997: 99-119, with Pilar Romaguera.
“Testing for Wage Leadership Processes in the Chilean Economy”. Applied Economics, Vol. 27, 1995: 303-310, with Pilar Romaguera.
“International industrial linkages and export development: the case of Chile”. CEPAL Review Nº 46, 1992: 151-175.
“Inter-Industry Wage Differentials in Brazil”. Economic Development and Cultural Change Vol. 43(2) 1995: 315-331, with Jaime Gatica and Pilar Romaguera.
“Estructura salarial y diferencias de salario en la industria brasileña”. (Salary structure and salary differences in Brazilian industry). El Trimestre Económico Vol. 58(4), 1991: 769-792, with Jaime Gatica y Pilar Romaguera.
“US Multinationals and Latin American Manufacturing Employment Absorption”. World Development Vol. 10(2), 1982:115-126, with Patricio Meller.
National journals
“Género, cultura y desempeño en matemáticas” (Gender, culture and performance in mathematics) Revista Anales de la Universidad de Chile, Séptima Serie Nº14, 2018. DOI: 10.5354/0717-8883.2018.51143.
“The Effect of Including High School Grade Rankings in the Admission Process for Chilean Universities” Pensamiento Educativo. Revista de Investigación Educacional Latinoamericana (PEL), April 2015, with Tomás Larroucau and Ignacio Ríos.
“La Política Chilena de Elección de Colegios al Pizarrón” (Analysis of the Chilean school choice education system) Revista Anales de la Universidad de Chile, Séptima Serie Nº7, 2014.
“Una Mirada a la Efectividad de los Profesores en Chile”. (Teachers’ effectiveness in Chile). Estudios Públicos Nº 120, Spring, 2010, with Bernardo Lara and Andrea Repetto.
“Calidad de la educación escolar: ¿dónde está el problema?”. (Educational quality. Where is the problem?). Trend Management, vol 8, edición especial Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial. Universidad de Chile, November 2006, with Pablo González.
“Cuatro mitos en el debate previsional”. (Four myths in the debate about the pension system). Trend Management, vol 8, edición especial Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial. Universidad de Chile, November 2006, with Andrea Repetto.
“La productividad científica de economía y administración en Chile. Un análisis comparativo”. (Chilean scientific productivity in economics. A comparative analysis). Cuadernos de Economía Vol. 44, Nº 128, 2006, with Claudia Contreras and Gonzalo Edwards.
“Evaluación del desempeño e incentivos en la educación chilena”. (Performance evaluation and incentives in the Chilean education). Cuadernos de Economía, año 39 N° 118, 2002, with Pilar Romaguera.
“El salario de los profesores al pizarrón”. (Teachers’ salaries to the blackboard). Perspectivas en Política, Economía y Gestión, November 2000, with Pilar Romaguera.
“Determinantes de los resultados educativos en Bolivia”. (Determinants of educational performance in Bolivia). Revista Controversias y Consensos, Año 4(3), 2000, with Pilar Romaguera and Teresa Reinaga.
“Cómo se comparan los resultados del SIMCE entre colegios públicos y privados”. (How do SIMCE Test Results Compare between Public and Private Schools?). Perspectivas en Política, Economía y Gestión, 2 (1), 1998:107-130, with Pilar Romaguera.
“Regulación laboral en Chile: 1975-1995”. (Chilean labor market regulations: 1975-1995). Perspectivas en Política, Economía y Gestión 1(2), 1998:185-213.
“Financiamiento de la salud en la tercera edad en el sistema de ISAPRES”. (Financing Senior Citizens Health Care in the ISAPRE System). Cuadernos de Economía, 35 (104), 1998:73-95, with Ronald Fischer and Pilar Romaguera.
“Frontera de producción educacional y eficiencia de la educación en Chile”. (Efficiency frontier and educational efficiency in Chile). Persona y Sociedad vol XI(2), August 1997, with Pilar Romaguera and Dario Farren.
“Flexibilidad del mercado del trabajo: el impacto del ajuste y los requisitos del crecimiento económico”. (Labor market flexibility: The impact of economic adjustment and growth requirements). Colección Estudios CIEPLAN Nº 43, September 1996, with Pilar Romaguera.
“Capacitación y características educacionales de la fuerza de trabajo”. (Training and labor force’s characteristics). Colección Estudios CIEPLAN Nº 43, September 1996, with Pilar Romaguera.
“Entrenamiento y capacitación en la industria manufacturera del Gran Santiago”. (Labor training in the manufacturing industry). Monograph OIT, 1994, with Pilar Romaguera.
“Remuneraciones según tamaño de firmas e índices de salarios: Chile 1982-90”. (Salaries according to firm size and salary indices: Chile 1982-90). Revista Estadística y Economía Nº 6, June 1993, with Pilar Romaguera.
“Las reformas económicas de los años setenta y la industria manufacturera chilena”. (Economic reforms in the 70’s and the Chilean manufacturing industry). Colección Estudios CIEPLAN Nº 35 September 1992: 153-199.
“¿Es el sector público un sector líder en la determinación de los salarios? Evidencia para la economía chilena”. (Is the public sector a leader in wage determination? Evidence for the Chilean economy). Colección Estudios CIEPLAN Nº 33, December 1991: 59-93, with Pilar Romaguera.
“Brasil 1986-1989: Notas sobre las políticas de estabilización”. (Brazil 1986-1989: Notes on stabilization policies). Revista Análisis Económico Vol. 5(1), June 1990: 75-88, with Jaime Gatica.
“Autoritarismo e ortodoxia económica: Chile 1974-1987”. (Autoritarism and economic orthodoxy. Chile 1974-1987). Revista de Economía Política, Vol. 10(2), April-June 1990: 53-66, Brazil, with Jaime Gatica.
“Modelos de predicción de quiebras: Una aplicación al caso chileno 1977-1982”. (Bankruptcy prediction models. An application to Chile 1977-1982). Revista Ingeniería de Sistemas, Vol. VI (1), April 1989: 53-83, with Daniel Ziguilinsky.
- “Factious Education Politics in Chile 1981-2021: Enduring Contention over Privatization, Inequality, and Quality” In P. Mattei, X. Dumay, E. Manguez & J. Behrend (eds) Oxford Handbook of Education and Globalization, Oxford University Press, London UK, (aceptado), with Ben Schneider.
- “Political economy of education: implications for efficiency, equity, and social justice”. En Vickers, E.A., Pugh, K. and Gupta, L. (eds.) Education and context in Reimagining education: The International Science and Evidence based Education Assessment [Duraiappah,A.K., Atteveldt, N.M. van et al. (eds.)]. New Delhi: UNESCO MGIEP, 2022, co-autores: Christensen, S., Verger, A., Bray, M., Zhang, W., Sarangapani, P.M., Yonezawa, A. and Ogunniran, M.O.
- “Una relectura al libro Bases para una Política Educacional de Amanda Labarca Huberston” en Amanda Labarca. Una antología feminista. Editorial Universitaria, 2019.
- “The Political Economy of Regulating the Private Provision of Education in Chile”. In Melani Cammett y Lauren Maclean (eds) The Politics of Non-State Social Welfare, 2014, Cornell University Press, with Ben Schneider
- “School Discipline in Chile". In R. Arum y M. Velez (eds) Improving Learning Environments. School Discipline and Student Achievement in Comparative Perspective. Stanford University Press 2012, with Florencia Torche.
- “Salarios de los maestros en América Latina: ¿Cuánto (más o menos) ganan con respecto a sus pares?” (Teachers’ salaries in Latin America: How much (less) do they earn with respect to their peers) In M. Cabrol y M. Székely (eds) Educación para la Transformación, Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, 2012, with Hugo Ñopo.
- ¡Basta ya!Chilean students say “Enough” Janet Byrne (ed) The Occupy Handbook. Back Bay Books, Little; Brown and Company, Nueva York, Boston y Londres, 2012, with Nora Lustig y Eduardo Silva. ISBN 978-0-316-22021-7
- “Vouchers educativos en Chile: la experiencia de un cuarto de siglo”. (Educational vouchers in Chile: 25 years of experience). In J. Diaz Malledo (ed) Financiación de la Enseñanza Obligatoria en el Siglo XXI: Los Bonos Escolares en la Teoría y en la Práctica Fundación Funcas, Madrid. Colección Estudios de la Fundación, 2009.
- “La subvención escolar diferenciada por nivel socioeconómico en Chile”. (Differentiated voucher according to students’ socioeconomic status). In C. Bellei, D. Contreras y J. P. Valenzuela (eds) La Agenda Pendiente en Educación en Chile. Universidad de Chile-UNICEF, 2008.
- “La subvención preferencial”. (Educational preferential subsidy). In J. J. Brunner y C. Peña (eds) La Reforma al sistema Escolar: Aportes al debate, Universidad Diego Portales y Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Santiago, Chile, 2007.
- “Salarios Docentes en América Latina”. (Teachers’ salaries in Latin America). In E. Tenti (ed) El Oficio del Docente. Vocación Trabajo y Profesión en el Siglo XXI, Editorial Siglo XXI, Argentina, 2006.
- “Teachers’ salary structure and incentives in Chile”. In E. Vegas. (ed), Incentives to Improve Teaching: Lessons from Latin America, World Bank Press, 2005, with Pilar Romaguera.
- “Calidad de la educación chilena: el desafío de la próxima década”. (Chilean educational quality: the challenge of the next decade). In P. Meller (ed) La paradoja Aparente. Equidad y Eficiencia: Resolviendo el Dilema, Aguilar Chilena Editorial, 2005, with Pilar Romaguera.
- “Rendimiento escolar y premios por desempeño. La experiencia latinoamericana y el SNED en Chile”. (Educational performance and incentives. The Latin American experience and the SNED in Chile). In S. Cueto (ed) Uso e Impacto de la Información Educativa en América Latina, PREAL, 2005, with Pilar Romaguera.
- “Regulación, incentivos y remuneraciones de los profesores en Chile”. (Regulation, incentives and teachers’ salaries in Chile). In C. Cox (ed) Políticas Educacionales en el Cambio de Siglo Editorial Universitaria, 2003, with Pilar Romaguera.
- “Remuneraciones y tasas de retorno de los profesionales chilenos”. (Salaries and professionals’ rates of return in Chile). In J.J. Brunner y P. Meller (eds) Oferta y Demanda de profesionales y técnicos en Chile. El Rol de la Información Pública, RIL editores, Santiago 2003, with Pilar Romaguera.
- “Flexibilidad jornada laboral y sistemas de turnos: efectos de la legislación en empleo y producto”. (The impact of weekend and holyday work restrictions on employment and output). In J. Ramos (ed) Políticas de empleo e institucionalidad laboral para el siglo XXI, 2003, Editorial Universitaria, with Pablo González and Pilar Romaguera.
- “Protection and Labor standards”. In R. Fischer (ed) Latin America and the Global Economy. Export, Trade and the Threat of Protection, Macmillan Press 2002, with Pilar Romaguera.
- “Chile: la recuperación de la profesión docente es posible”. (Chile: the recovery of the teacher profession is possible). In J.C. Navarro (ed) ¿Quiénes son los maestros? Carreras e incentivos docentes en América Latina, IADB, 2002, with Pablo González, Pilar Romaguera and Andrea Guzmán.
- “Incentivos en educación y la experiencia del SNED en Chile”. (Incentives in education and the SNED experience in Chile). In V. Murillo (ed), Carreras Magisteriales, Desempeño Educativo y Sindicatos de Maestros en América Latina, FLACSO, Argentina, 2002, with Pilar Romaguera.
- “Las reformas laborales y el mercado del trabajo”. (Labor reforms and the labor market). In R. Ffrench-Davis and B. Stallings (eds) Reformas, Crecimiento y Políticas en Chile desde 1973, Editorial LOM- CEPAL, Santiago, 2001, with Pilar Romaguera.
- “Public policy programs in Chile: Characteristics, requirements and expectations for future development”. In J. Dassin, J. Tulchin and A. Brown (eds) Training a New Generation of Leaders, Woodrow Wilson Center Reports on the Americas, Washington D.C., 2001, with Danae de los Rios.
- “Two decades of economic policy in Chile”. In Hosono and Saavedra-Rivano (eds). Development Strategies in East Asia and Latin America, Macmillan Press, 1998.
- “Labour flexibility: The case of Chile”. In E. Amadeo and S. Horton (eds) Labour Flexibility, Markets, Institutions and Skills, Macmillan Press , 1997, with Pilar Romaguera, Pablo Gonzalez and Cecilia. Montero.
- “Mercado del trabajo en Chile: Ajuste, transición y desafíos futuros”. (Chilean labor market: adjustment, transition and future challenges). In J. Figueiredo (ed) Instituciones Laborales Frente a los Cambios en América Latina. Instituto Internacional de Estudios Laborales, Ginebra Suiza, 1996: 67-86, with Pilar Romaguera.
- “Chile frente al Mercosur: La falsa disyuntiva del todo o nada”. (Chile and the MERCOSUR. The false disjunctive of everything or nothing). In F. Rojas and W. Smith (eds.) El Cono Sur y las Transformaciones Globales. Ediciones FLACSO North-South Center University of Miami - CLADDE, 1994: 267-302.
- “Situación actual y desafíos futuros de la integración económica Chileno-Argentina”. (Current situation and future challenges of Chile- Argentina economic integration). In Integración Económica Argentino-Chilena: Problemas y Perspectivas, Centro de Economía Internacional, Buenos Aires, 1993: 140-157.
- Introduction to Crecimiento y Equidad. (Growth and Equity) Robert Solow. Editorial Universitaria, 1993: 9-26, with Eduardo Engel.
- “Chile, Argentina y Brasil: Perspectivas de su integración económica”. (Chile, Argentina and Brazil: perspectives of their economic integration). In A. Butelmann and P. Meller (eds.) Estrategia comercial chilena para la década del noventa: elementos para el debate. Ediciones CIEPLAN, 1992: 281-323.